
We look forward to lively participation by the citizens of Leipzig.

Participation, voice and commitment have a long tradition in our citizenship. The Peaceful Revolution Foundation is also committed to these values.

Prof. Dr. Rainer Vor, Chairman
of the Foundation Peaceful Revolution

What values will our monument stand for?

An intensive and continuous exchange with the population of the city of Leipzig and the Federal Republic of Germany is the central concern and basis of the monument process..

Public participation takes place on several levels:

  • A broad and open dialogue is to be conducted with as many people as possible in Leipzig and Germany regarding the contents and values for which the monument will stand.
  • In the selection of the monument's location , 35 randomly selected, statistically representative citizens of Leipzig represented the population as a citizens' council .
  • And of course, all citizens* can and should comment directly on all planned steps and the results achieved on the way to a Freedom and Unity Monument.

Zahlreiche konkrete Angebote zum dialogischen Ansatz der Bürger:innenbeteiligung finden Sie unter dem Menüpunkt Angebote auf dieser Website.

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